GOODSMILE 2016年2月15日發售: Action Figure Nendoroid Series《The Dark Knight》Joker: Villain’s Edition 3,900Yen連稅 (Remark:訂購附特典)

Nendoroid Joker: Villain’s Edition

“You… you complete me.”

From the popular DC Comics film ‘The Dark Knight’ comes a Nendoroid of the Joker based on the highly acclaimed version of Joker played by Heath Ledger. He is also the first ever villain from a live action film to join the Nendoroid world!

His eccentric yet twisted face paint has been carefully shrunk down into Nendoroid size, and he comes with both a glaring expression and a twisted smiling expression that certainly can’t be compared to any previous Nendoroid smiles! The back, left and right sides of his trademark purple coat are all movable allowing you to easily pose anything from his signature standing poses to casually cracking a joke. Optional parts include a knife, stacks of money and a joker playing card, allowing you to recreate various different situations as well!




GSC160204にて「ねんどろいど ジョーカー ヴィランズ・エディション限定 背景シート付き」をご購入頂いた方に、「背景シート」をプレゼント!



ねんどろいど ジョーカー ヴィランズ・エディション

お前が、、、お前が、、、俺を完璧なものにするんだ。(You… you… complete me.)


仕様: ABS&PVC 塗装済み可動フィギュア・ノンスケール・専用台座付属・全高:約100mm
原型制作: JUN(E.V.)